What Are Mini Dental Implants?

Mini dental implants are tiny devices used widely to support different types of restorations. These implants are usually made of Titanium, but can be made from other high tensile material. Most of the mini dental implants are endosseous. This means that they are placed within the bone. Their appearance is similar to that of a tooth root. The concept of osseointegration is used in dental implant mechanism. Osseointegration refers to the direct connection and fusion of the implant with the surrounding bone.

Dental implants have been tackling a variety of dental issues and are frequently used in a number of dental accessories like dentures and crowns. Commercial dental implants are usually made of Titanium which is available in four grades. An alloy consisting primarily of Titanium and small amounts of Aluminum and Vanadium is believed to offer good osseointegration. Developments in the field of dentistry may provide better material in the coming years.

Dental implants are categorized into Mini Dental implants and Vanilla Dental implants. MDIs are implants with very small diameters of about 1.8 millimeters to 3 millimeters. MDIs are also known as Small Diameter Implants and Narrow Body Implants. Several Mini implants are used as Temporary Anchorage devices in Orthodontic cases. MDIs are available in various lengths. MDIs are extremely helpful in people with loose dentures. Mini implants are also approved to be used for crown and bridge placements. Usually mini implants are placed through minimally invasive surgery procedure. This involves the usage of a local anesthetic. Usually a small hole is required to be drilled before placing a mini dental implant.

Healing Time

The healing time required for mini implants is low compared to traditional dental implants. The most common use of these implants is in the lower jaw. Mini dental implants are quite popular due to the lesser healing time and other advantages mentioned above.